Top 5 Myths About COPD
(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
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Top 5 Myths About COPD
(Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
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This myth is completely false and can be fatal to those who follow it. Moderate exercise is necessary to reduce COPD symptoms and increase overall health. A statistic by WebMD showed that patients with average to vigorous physical activity had a 47% less chance of mortality than inactive patients.
Since we understand exercise is crucial for COPD patients, it’s also essential to do the correct type of exercise to prevent personal injury. Since health issues are highly complex, we suggest signing up with Carda Health. They deliver personalized COPD care straight to your door. Within weeks of signing up, receive a personalized plan just for you. 92% of Carda patients say they feel significantly better within 3 weeks of signing up.
Linda had this to say…
Myth: If You Are Diagnosed With COPD, You Shouldn’t Exercise
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Myth: COPD Only Affects The Lungs
COPD impacts your entire body! If you have COPD, your heart works harder to pump the oxygen needed to fuel your body. This increases stress and tension within your heart, putting you at higher risk for heart attacks and heart disease. Also, COPD impacts your cardiovascular abilities, so participating with your friends and family in activities becomes more difficult. This can cause a decline in mental and emotional health.
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Learn More TodayMyth: Only Smokers Get COPD
So there you have it! These are 5 common myths about COPD that thousands of people believe. If you have COPD we highly suggest checking out Carda Health.
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“My health was so fragile, and I was so weak that I could not walk up the stairs, I couldn’t even carry my purse”
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While smoking can cause COPD, around 24% of people with COPD never smoked. And about 1% of people with COPD may have it due to a genetic condition called Alpha- 1 Antitrypsin. COPD can be caused by irritants like gases, particulate matter, and more. Wearing a mask is essential when participating in activities with high levels of chemicals/particles in the air to prevent COPD.
Myth: There Is No Effective Treatment For COPD
COPD is treatable. While treatment cannot reverse the damage to your lungs, certain treatments can reduce your symptoms and help you feel better.
If you are diagnosed with COPD, quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting the vaccines for influenza and pneumonia can help immensely.
Carda Health is one of the few effective treatments that can be done in the comfort of your home and on your schedule. Complete a short assessment, meet your physiologist, and get a Carda care package delivered straight to your door. Start the Carda rehabilitation program, where you are guided step by step on proven pulmonary rehab exercises. 92% of patients that used Carda say they feel better than before. Carda is a reputable company and runs its operations within the USA. They have treated patients from Stanford Medicine, Montefiore, and more.
Quitting smoking slows the progression of COPD and reduces the symptoms. While lung damage with COPD is not reversible, quitting smoking can prevent it from worsening. Additionally, near-normal lung function may return if you quit smoking early enough. People with COPD are at higher risk of getting respiratory infections. So it’s essential to take extra precautions when going out. Washing your hands for two minutes, getting the flu shot, and taking your medications are essential. If you think you’re getting sick, talk to your doctor so you can get the proper care, early.
Myth: Quitting Smoking Doesn’t Help If You Have COPD
“I’m to the point where I can bebop up the stairs, I can carry something, I can get to the top without being winded. And if I were with my family in the woods, I could maybe go on a mile hike.”
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